エイジングケアA Professionally Formulated Chemical Peel. Each bottle contains approx. 15-20 full facial Peels. Actual Product Color: : Gold. Kojic Acid has a natural golden color.並行輸入品

エイジングケアA Professionally Formulated Chemical Peel. Each bottle contains approx. 15-20 full facial Peels. Actual Product Color: : Gold. Kojic Acid has a natural golden color.並行輸入品

うるおい・保湿 • 敏感肌 •エイジングケア Lactic Acid 50% Gel Peel - Enhanced with Kojic Acid & Bearberry Extract (Professional Chemical Peel) A Professionally Formulated Chemical Peel. Each bottle contains approx. 15-20 full facial Peels. Actual Product Color: : Gold. Kojic Acid has a natural golden color. • Ideal for Age Spots Freckles Sun Spots Skin Lightening Hyperpigmentation Wrinkles and Fine Lines. • Infused with Botanical Extracts of Bearberry and Licorice which provide natural skin lightening (Tyrosinase Inhibiting) properties. Green tea extract and cucumber provide a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins which aid in the natural prevention and healing process of your skin. • Kojic Acid a natural inhibitor of melanin derived from a mushroom first discovered by the Japanese. It has been successfully used to lighten freckles age spots pregnancy marks stretch marks acne scars pigmentation and discoloration conditions of the face & body. Kojic is effective in eliminating free radicals strengthening cell activity and is considered to be a natural and safe alternative of Hydroquinone as a skin lightener. • Guaranteed Quality - Manufactured in an FDA registered cGMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliant facility. We conduct assay testing identity testing and micro testing for each batch to ensure the purity concentration and active ingredient is present within spec and meets or exceeds USP standards & FDA guidelines. Each batch will have its own unique lot number and expiration date printed onto the bottom of each bottle as part of quality control procedures



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